This drink has TCM properties that has healing properties. This drink is perfect for this sweltering heat! A glass cools you down immediately.
- 400ml of water
- 4 tbsp of wolfberries (枸杞)
- 4 tbsp of chrysanthemun flowers
- 2 tsp of powdered green tea (green tea leaves work well too)
- honey to taste (I use Manuka honey)
- Bring water to boil.
- Add wolfberries, chrysanthemun flowers and powdered green tea to water and boil for 5 min.
- Strain and let water to cool.
- Add honey to taste to cooled drink.
- You may want to place chrysanthemun flowers in a muslin/cheese cloth so that you may consume the wolfberries which are good to the eyes.
- You may use rock sugar in place of honey but I find honey healthier.
- wolfberries - heals liver and kidney; clears heat and improves eye-sight
- chrysanthemun - balance liver function, improves eye-sight and clears heat